Your shoulder pain in New York City may actually be caused by a condition called biceps tendinitis, but we have the tools to manage it

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body, and it is used in the majority of movements and tasks that involve the upper body. For this reason, if any type of issue affects the shoulder, it can severely affect your ability to function normally. There are a number of problems that can develop within or around the shoulder, and one of these is called biceps tendinitis. This condition is an inflammation or irritation of the biceps tendon—which connects the biceps muscle to bones in the shoulder—and it results in shoulder pain in New York City. Biceps tendinitis can make lifting objects or rotating the shoulder difficult, but our physical therapists know how to effectively address it from several angles.

The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint that is made up of three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula) and collarbone (clavicle). The biceps muscle is located in the front of your upper arm, and it has two tendons that attach it to the bones of the shoulder: a long head that attaches to the top of the shoulder socket, and a short head that attaches to a bump on the shoulder blade.

Biceps tendinitis describes inflammation of the long head of the tendon. In its early stages, this tendon becomes red and swollen, and over time as the condition progresses, it eventually thickens and grows in size. This inflammation leads to pain and tenderness in the front of the shoulder that tends to get worse with any type of overhead lifting or activity. The pain may also move down the humerus, and some patients experience an occasional snapping sound when moving the shoulder.

In most cases, biceps tendinitis occurs along with other shoulder problems, such as arthritis of the shoulder joint, chronic shoulder instability or dislocation, or damage of the rotator cuff. The condition is primarily a result of the normal aging process, as tendons generally tend to weaken slowly over the course of time from everyday wear and tear. But individuals who participate in lots of overhead activities in their occupation or from overhead sports like baseball, tennis and football also have a higher chance of developing biceps tendinitis.

How our physical therapists can address your shoulder pain in New York City

For shoulder pain in New York City due to biceps tendinitis, it’s best to see one of our physical therapists as soon as possible for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate treatment program. The contents of your program will depend on your specific condition, abilities and overall goals, but most consist of the following components:

  • Stretching exercises: since abnormal shoulder motion can lead to biceps tendinitis, physical therapy will assess this and prescribe exercises to increase your flexibility
  • Strengthening exercises: the balance and strength of all upper body muscles is crucial to making sure the shoulder is protected and moving efficiently, and strengthening exercises will help to ensure that strength is at an adequate level
  • Manual therapy: this type of treatment consists of a physical therapist gently moving and mobilizing the shoulder joint and surrounding muscles to improve motion, flexibility and strength
  • Pain management: modalities like ice and heat will be used to reduce pain levels
  • Functional training: for athletes and those whose jobs involve overhead movements, this part of treatment will consist of exercises specifically designed for the sport or occupation of interest

If shoulder pain in New York City that may be due to biceps tendinitis is holding you back and making simple activities feel like more of a chore, now is the time to take action. Contact Dynamic Sports Physical Therapy at 212-317-8303 to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists today, or click here to for more information on biceps tendinitis.